Sunday, March 9, 2008

Fwd: SCCC 2008 Grounds Day - 03/15/2008

As communicated earlier, the 2008 Grounds Day is scheduled for
03/15/2008, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Your
participation in this event would be greatly appreciated. The list
below outlines our goals for the day. As you can see there is a lot of
work that needs to be done. This is YOUR club, please pitch in!!!

Scheduled list of activities
1. Replace the mats on both practice wickets in the nets
2. Repair shed door
3. Repair practice nets
4. Repair and fix wooden beams in the nets
5. Mark and paint bowling creases
6. Install "Facilities Usage Sign"
7. Apply weed killer around the center wicket and practice nets
8. Organize the contents of the shed
9. Misc.

Hope to see you next Saturday. The current weather forecast for
Saturday, March 15th is "Partly Cloudy" and a high of 61 degrees. It
should be a great day to get our facilities in ship-shape.



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