Monday, April 21, 2008

Match Reports and Official Communication Publishing

Captains, Vice-Captains, Execs and Other Match Report Writers,
As part of the communication standardization within the SCCC club, we are trying to move to Blogs as much as possible. However, at the same time, we understand, most of us still feel more comfortable composing emails vs. logging on to a new tool. Therefore, we have setup a configuration that will allow an official blog entry through a simple email.
How does this work?
Whenever you have a match report or an official communication (i.e. match report, grounds day, picnic), just add in addition to members id and that is about it! Please make sure you only do that for the communication that you will be willing to share with outside world through Blog. This email has done so and it will automatically publish on our SCCC blog and then subsequently to the website (I will edit it to take out the email id out of it to avoid spam). No content management, no manual step or process. All it needs is to you take responsibility to add the publishing user id (in addition to the members id) for all official match reports and non-confidential SCCC-related official announcements.
Lastly, we request you to start using members at santaclaracc dot org as the alias for all members vs. yahoo groups. This will help us in branding and move to different services as transition our IT systems.
Thank you,

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