Monday, April 21, 2008

Match Reports and Official Communication Publishing

Captains, Vice-Captains, Execs and Other Match Report Writers,
As part of the communication standardization within the SCCC club, we are trying to move to Blogs as much as possible. However, at the same time, we understand, most of us still feel more comfortable composing emails vs. logging on to a new tool. Therefore, we have setup a configuration that will allow an official blog entry through a simple email.
How does this work?
Whenever you have a match report or an official communication (i.e. match report, grounds day, picnic), just add in addition to members id and that is about it! Please make sure you only do that for the communication that you will be willing to share with outside world through Blog. This email has done so and it will automatically publish on our SCCC blog and then subsequently to the website (I will edit it to take out the email id out of it to avoid spam). No content management, no manual step or process. All it needs is to you take responsibility to add the publishing user id (in addition to the members id) for all official match reports and non-confidential SCCC-related official announcements.
Lastly, we request you to start using members at santaclaracc dot org as the alias for all members vs. yahoo groups. This will help us in branding and move to different services as transition our IT systems.
Thank you,

SCCC Twitters

Do you Twitter? If yes, then you may get the idea of this initiative by just reading the title. However, for others, you just need the need to understand the concept of Twitter as almost real time non voice-based answer to the most common question in our games as "what does the scoreboard say?"
We will be piloting the Twitter technology to provide real time status for our games. Everyone will be able to subscribe to them and for instant gratification, you could setup device alerts and the messages woild flow to you instantly on your cell phones as text messages. This will eliminate your phone calls to the players and most importantly, to our SCCC 411 service, Sujesh Pullikal!.
Twitter receivers can be many but there can be only one SENDER. For Aces, I will be the designated twitter. For Bees, Ahmad Amin will be the designated twitter and for Seas, we are still looking for a volunteer. So, if you have a cell phone with text plan, can type quickly on your phones and don't mind updating your curious club members, and are selected in Seas, please send me an email and I will make you the twitter for the Bees and Seas teams. The URLs of these twitters are also on the main page of our portal for someone to check the score card from the web. Additionally, we have a general purpose twitter for our general club news that you can subscribe to also.
In summary, to check the status of a game, don't call anyone. Check the following URLs periodically. Additionally, f you want PUSH-based status, sign-up for a Twitter user id, and follow the SCCC<team> Twitter accounts. This way, as soon as the designated twittering folks send the text message, it will be published to all subscribers.
URLs (also on our main page):
ACES (updated by me):
BEES(updated by Ahmad Amin):
SEAS (looking for volunteer):
As of now, sccc<team> twitters are subscribed to each other through the devices..So, any update by Ahmed will be instantly seen by me, and vice versa.
Happy Twittering!
Best Regards,

Sunday, April 13, 2008

SCCC 2.0

Dear SCCC Members,

As we start the 2008 season, the SCCC management team is very pleased to announce the completion of the SCCC 2.0 initiative that we had started as a beta program in July 2007. This effort was a total team effort between the SCCC technology team and SCCC executives. Frankly, when we started this transformation journey, we didn’t know where we would end-up but we were determined to make a change and take our social enterprise into the Web 2.0 era. Along the journey, we discovered what works and what does not. We discovered each other’s specialties. We had meetings. We exchange hundreds of emails and met many times face-to-face. It was all fun (well, at least for me). And now, we are finally ready to let you have it!

As it happens with any new roll-out, we don’t expect things to be free of errors or problems. However, we do expect you to see improvements in our operational expenses, a superior availability system – when used correctly, and most importantly, a better online marketing brand for our club and members.

Technology Operations Expenses Down to $0

In every organization, the technology department is treated like an expense or cost center. We are determined to change for the Santa Clara Cricket Club. So, with our new solution, based on the free version of Google Apps, our technology expenses have become $0. Additionally, this transition has set us on the course to making technology to be revenue generator – in future – through online contextual advertisements. However, we must have audience before that. We don’t know what and how of that yet. But we will figure it out as we go along.

Superior Availability Management Configuration

Earlier this week, we used the NCCA scheduled spreadsheet and uploaded that to the SCCC calendar in the Portal. Therefore, you as a member, you can go in and submit your availabilities for the full season – of course, you can change them later also. Your advance submissions will help our captains and executives to plan more effectively. This new setup will enable better forecast and predictability of the resource shortages as we go into the season. What is the benefit for our club? Better forecast result will result into better selection decisions, and better selection decisions will result into better results for our games!

For your user id questions and brief tutorial on how to submit the availabilities, please click here.

SANTA CLARA CC Branded Email Addresses

We have debated this lot internally but we have come to an agreement that the best way to improve our brand is to have Santa Clara CC branded email addressed for all SCCC-related communication. Yes, some of you may disagree, but the executives’ board has felt the need to improve our brand more strongly and a email will be one action to get us there. To implement this, we have enabled email addressees for all of you. You will also see an email-widget on the left-upper side of the main portal page. Now, the logical question would be how the Yahoo Group will work? For now, Google Apps does not provide Groups integration so we have decided to keep the Santa Clara Yahoo Group. However, the Yahoo Groups do allow non-Yahoo email addresses to be used for receiving and sending emails. Therefore, we recommend that you do that. The instructions to do that can be found at this link.

Online Content Management - Beta

Through the use of contemporary Web 2.0 technologies, we are in the process of improvements in how we do content management across the SCCC website. In many cases, we are dealing with the tools limitations. Therefore, this is an area where we do need to work as we go along here. For now, you can see photos, links and some videos on the main page as we go into the seasons, though; I would be the first one to accept that the presentation of those content items may not be as elegant as in some other professional websites.

Twitter-Based Games Status – Beta

Do you Twitter? If yes, then you may get the idea of this initiative by just reading the title. However, for others, you just need the need to understand the concept of Twitter as almost real time non voice-based answer to the most common question in our games as “what does the scoreboard say?” We will be piloting the Twitter technology to provide real time status for our games. Everyone will be able to subscribe to them and for instant gratification, you could setup device alerts and the messages will flow to you instantly. This will eliminate your phone calls to the players and most importantly, to our SCCC 411 service, Sujesh Pullikal!

Twitter receivers can be many but there can be only one sender. So, for Aces, I will be the designated twitter. For Bees and Seas, we are looking volunteers. So, if you have a cell phone with text plan, can type quickly on your phones and don’t mind updating your curious club members, please send me an email and I will make you the twitter for the Bees and Seas teams. The URLs of these twitters are also on the main page of our portal for someone to check the score card from the web. Additionally, we have a general purpose twitter for our general club news that you can subscribe to also.

What is Next?

To be honest, we don’t know. Yeah, it may sound lame but we wish but we could predict how you are going to use [or abuse] the system. So, we just have to watch and take actions from them. We believe on the philosophy of following the users – and the rest just follows. We will try our best to serve the needs of the Santa Clara Cricket Club!

Let’s have a great season!

Best Regards,

SCCC IT and Executive Management Teams

Logon to the SCCC Portal and How to Submit Your Availability

Question: Which user id and password do I need to use to logon to the SCCC portal? All User profiles have remained intact since last year. The new members’ user ids have been created with the passwords of “tmp4now”. If you don’t know your user id, please send an email to:

Question: How do I submit my availability? First, please login to the SCCC Portal with your user id and password. Afterwards, please click on the Google Calendar (middle left). The click will take you to the Google Calendar app for domain. And you would see Games or SCCC events as meeting invitations in your calendar. You can accept a meeting to send in your availability. You can always change the availability later on. If you are not sure, you can click "May be" and captains might consider you when there are not enough availabilities.

Tip: The "Agenda" view is best way to see all games in the future and submit the availabilities against them

NOTE: DO NOT click the DELETE option. This will delete the game from your calendar, and then will require a re-invite from the captains

For access problems, please send an email to:

How to Update SSCC Yahoo group with your SCCC Email Address

Please note that each of you now have an e-mail address that is based on the domain hosted by GMail. Your e-mail address is You will see the e-mail widget as you log into the portal and it is integrated with GMail.

We urge you to change your "Message Board" e-mail address to your "", so that we can start transitioning over. This will ease your "personal e-mail Inbox" and keep all club e-mails within the SCCC E-mail. You can do this by:

1) Going to
2) Click on "santaclaracricketclub"
3) Click on "Edit Membership"
4) Under "Email Address" click on the "Add new e-mail address link"
5) Enter your new e-mail address
6) Log into the SCCC Portal and "confirm" the e-mail that YahooGroups sends you.
7) You are now good to go and all of your club-related e-mails will now be directed to
8) If you belong to more than one "SCCC Yahoo Group", then you just need to select the "radio button" for the new address after steps 1-6 is done.
9) Going forward, just keep a tab in your browser open logged into the "SCCC Portal", where you can check your club e-mail.

All Material (c) Santa Clara Cricket Club

Monday, April 7, 2008

How to create a cricket pitch?

Greetings one and is my pleasure to create a blog post that documents a communication thread between Sridhar Ranganathan (BBY) and Kalyan Routhu, a cricket enthusiast from Pennsylvania, USA.

Kalyan reached us after Googling on the topic, reading Greg Widdicombe's below mentioned article and finding out that Greg was from Santa Clara Cricket Club. I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I did documenting it, as it gives a huge perspective on what it takes to build a pitch. It most certainly did increase my respect, appreciation and regard for the work that has been performed by some of our illustrious alumni at Santa Clara Cricket Club. Kudos to Greg, Sridhar and the rest of the gang...We are enjoying the fruits of your labor to this very day. Thank you for the bottom of our hearts!!!!!

The article written by Greg Widdicombe on the subject can be found at -

To augment the article, Sridhar added the following points:
1. Dig anywhere between 2-6 inches for the entire rectangle of 100 feet by 12 feet (you can also do it 80 feet x 8 feet, if you do not really want any Astroturf at the run up area. We dug 6 inches and we have 2 inches of gravel, then baseball mix with 10% extra loam for the next 6inches. Make sure that you do this with as minimal water as necessary. It needs to be solid, not gooey. Roll with a 5 ton roller to the extent possible. Let it dry in the sun for 2 days and sprinkle water as necessary.

2. Get a Astroturf. Home Depot or something more expensive. More expensive will last longer ..
for the more expensive carpet go to - you can just search for "Astroturf Cricket" on Google and find most of the specs..

Of all the things, the pile should be at least 7mm high (the range is 6-9mm)...the higher the pile height, the more expensive and more durable the carpet is...but you do not want it to be more than 9mm. The higher the pile high, the slower the pitch will be...7mm is just about optimum. The one at SCCC that we got, when we got it was 9mm. So, it was slow for the first 2-3 years and gradually got faster.

Also, it is better to get close loop turf - these days they use different terminology and new technology has provided brands like pure grass etc.

3. Where to get -- the largest manufacturer of Astroturf in the world is the US.. so you are in the right place.. check out This is where we bought ours. They were not quite willing to sell though.. back then, I called and asked for a favor and at that time, they had a couple of mats that they were about to ship to Australia and they shipped us one. It cost a bomb $5000 (compared to Home Depot - $900) and I could not even negotiate. At that time, I did not even see it, I just took the guys word for it. Their number is 800.723.8873

Kalyan responded with a follow up:
Thank you so much. This is great help. One quick question. what is 10% extra loam? Basically, dig 6 inches, fill upto 2 inches with gravel, roll it, then fill with baseball clay + 10% extra loam mix. Roll it again using a 5 ton heavy roller.

Sridhar's response to Kalyan's query:
Baseball mix allows you to get a hard surface, Loam usually allows you better drainage. You mix loam and baseball mix and mix them well and fill the crater that you have dug...approximately, the composition of baseball mix and loam is 9-1. You can even go to 8-2 if you need better draining pitch, but the pitch may show wear and tear sooner as the baseball mix is quite erosive - notice baseball diamonds. You really have to mix them well and really, really roll it well.

BTW, if you dig 6", you will need a lot of material (at least 7-8 inches worth of volume of material). Perhaps, 4" is good enough with one inch of gravel and the rest of the 4" inches of baseball mix and loam to get you a 5" base. You can also put in one inch of gravel and one inch of base rock before you put in the baseball mix and loam.

You will need to go one inch higher than the ground level, to allow the pitch to settle and sink in... and it will sink over a couple years...if you can afford it, I would even suggest that you build the pitch about 2 inches about the ground level with a smooth ramp for the runup area. Do pay attention to the side edges of the pitch and create a smooth arc across the width of the pitch to accommodate the one or 2 inches height over the ground level. Do not shape the sides into a beveled ramp, as that would be a big hindrance when a throw comes in or somebody plays a shot that hits the edge.. so a smooth arc should do the trick.

What is LOAM?
Loam is soil composed of sand, silt, and clay in relatively even concentration (about 40-40-20% concentration respectively), considered ideal for gardening and agricultural uses. Loam soils generally contain more nutrients and humus than sandy soils, have better infiltration and drainage than silty soils, and are easier to till than clayey soils.

Loams are gritty, plastic when moist, and retain water easily. In addition to the term loam, different names are given to soils with slightly different proportions of sand, silt, and clay: sandy loam, silty loam, clay loam, sandy clay loam, silty clay loam, and loam.

A "loamy" soil feels mellow and is easy to work over a wide range of moisture conditions. A soil dominated by one or two of the three particle size groups can behave like loam if it has a strong granular structure (promoted by a high content of organic matter). However, a soil that meets the textural definition of loam can lose its characteristic desirable qualities when compacted, depleted of organic matter, or has dispersive clay in its fine-earth fraction.

Loam soil is ideal for growing crops because it retains nutrients well and retains water while still allowing the water to flow freely. This soil is found in a majority of successful farms in regions around the world known for their fertile land

Kalyan responded to this with a follow up:
I was thinking that I would need more material because the level would compress when we roll it. We can dig 4 inches, fill one inch with gravel, one inch with crushed stone and three inches with baseball and loam mix with a ratio of 9:1. I have located a supplier here in New Jersey who might be able to mix the two and deliver it to us instead of us going through the hassle of mixing it.
This is what I am thinking the approach should be. Please advise.
  1. Dig out 70X10 strip to 4 inches
  2. Roll it in
  3. Lay a plastic layer to cover the strip
  4. Lay the 1 inch gravel and roll it in
  5. Lay the 1 inch crushed stone and roll it in
  6. Lay the clay/loam mix 3 inches and roll it in.
Can we lay everything on the same day or do we need to wait for a day for the gravel/crushed stone layers to settle before adding the clay/loam mix?
I also called Home Depot and found Astroturf at 59cents/sq ft. Coming to $450 to cover 70X10. If we wanted to lay Astroturf on top, how do we clamp it to the ground and do we need a padding underneath? I guess I can get that info from Home Depot people

Sridhar's response to Kalyan's query:
Sounds like a plan.. except the plastic sheet.. the purpose of the gravel and rock to drain water will be lost. Do not lay the plastic sheet.

Get a guy who owns a bob cat and get him to do it for you. Don't even try doing it yourself. If you can find a guy, then this should you about 6 hours or so. He can also do the rolling for you. roll for at least an hour if not more. You will know when it is ready.

Additional notes:

1. Plan on getting rid of the material that you are going to dig up or spread it around really well on the outside of the boundary of the ground.
2. Less water while mixing is better than more water, otherwise you will have to wait for the stuff to dry before you roll.. else stuff will stick on the roller and the pitch will become extremely uneven.

3. You can lay the mat after a day, but make sure that the top is well bound and dry.

4. Use 8-10" nails that are about 1/3" in diameter with proper washers to secure the mat. Hit the nail at least 1.5" inside the mat, otherwise, the nails may rip through the carpet. Use larger nails at the edges and smaller nails along the side.

5. Use a thick plastic, even rubber sheet near the crease area to avoid the bat "tapping" of batsmen ripping the carpet.

6. Use masking tape with a acrylic spray white paint to mark the creases. the crease width should not be more than 1" wide.

7. Use a aluminum cone (look around in the plumbing section of Home Depot and you will find one) that fits the cone of the stump. put that in the ground and use that to lay stumps. Get some soft putty clay or play-doh to fill these cones, so it is easy for the stumps to hold.

Copyright 1987 - 2008 (c) Santa Clara Cricket Club

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